Monday, May 21, 2012


When I started attending the meetings of VPWM, I was not very committed and I wasted a lot of time before God called me to order.
Since then, He’s taught me a couple of destiny defining principles which I share here.
1.       Be yourself, especially in the Presence/House of God.
In the presence of God, there is Liberty. [1Cor 3: 17] You can be yourself without excuses.
Remember, they were NAKED AND NOT ASHAMED. [Gen 2:25; emphasis mine]
2.       Praise looks good on you.
Whenever you are opportune to be where God is being praised, ensure you do it with all your might because He inhabits the praises of His people. [Ps 22:3 KJV]
God loves it when we praise Him and we touch His garment when we do.

3.       Look unto God and not unto man.
When you are privileged to be part of a community of believers, seek the face and presence of God therein and not the approval of man.
Don’t get involved in the talk-talk or gossip that leads to offence. Rather, keep yourself, your heart and mind open to receive from God.
Expect to meet with God every time…and you will!
4.       See and respect the anointing even if you don’t like the person or you know their weaknesses/past.
Do not allow familiarity with a person blind you to the anointing.
You may know the man or woman of God from way back but once there is an anointing on them, they are no longer who you used to know.
While saying “Is Saul also among the prophets?”, you may just miss your prophetic blessing. [1Sam 10:9-11 (AMP)]
God is still using the seemingly foolish things of this world to confound the wise.
5.       God is present in every congregation where His name is called.
When you enter any gathering of believers, be sensitive to God’s presence because He is there in every little thing. He’s speaking from the Ushers, Praise & Worship, Testimonies, Message, benediction and The Grace.
He is speaking throughout but only the one listening will hear Him. [Ex 20:24b (NKJV)]
6.       Friends can become your distraction.
Once you get into the assembly of believers, be on your own.
Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by those close to you.
Learn to determine your level of friendships by how the person helps you stay on the path of destiny.
Your friend can make or mar your destiny, choose wisely. [Prov 13:20, Prov 27:17]
7.       See people through God’s eyes.
God does not judge or bless the way we do.
What we use to determine who gets promoted is not what God uses and until we begin to see through God’s eyes, we will end up displeasing God with our actions, inactions, speech and thoughts.
The Lord does not see as we see. [1Sam 16:7b]
You may think you know a person’s pedigree but you do not know their “spiritgree” nor the level of their SQ (Spiritual Quotient) or DQ (Destiny Quotient). [1Sam 9:21; 10:1]


  1. My goodness! This is awesome! 7 Things Indeed! You don't need the whole world you only need your own. Everything said on the platform might not have sank but certainly this 7 you got and haven gotten it right, will do the wonders God brought you into the ministry to experience. Am so glad, am so pleased.....For such discoveries like YOU that I make on my destiny journey, am always fired up to keep at it (whether it seems popular or not), to go the extra mile till I hit the mark......For such moments as this all the midnight oil burnt, the labour and  every sacrifice becomes sweet water hence I will drink over and over again for more people to discover their own 3, 4,7, 10, 12, 21 etc Tnings that has or will shape their lives as a  result of passing through or tabernacling under the canopy of God in VICTORIOUS PRAYING WOMEN MINISTRY. 
    Sis Judith thanks for Sharing! 
    Only just ystd. Sis Shola Aluko-Amaraibi, said to me God says "whatever you bless turns around to bless you"....... That's just it for me by this that you have shared. ITS SUCH A BLESSING. Remain grounded in  HIM. Shalom!

    1. Thank you Ma.
      Please follow and share this Blog with as many.
      It is my passion and my joy.
      Am grateful.
