Friday, March 16, 2018

The Other Side of The Coin

I heard it many times, indeed I’ve heard it before
There are always 2 sides to a coin
Spoken, advised and counselled
I thought my side was the only side
Though I said otherwise, my actions spoke louder
Offenses, offended and offending
Constant turmoil was my lot
With friends, family and foes alike
No peace, no joy and no way forward
Stagnated, immovable with heart rended
Then along came Zhenyi, Bev, Randeep and Wendy
And they opened my eyes to new ways of seeing
Seeing, being and living life through new lenses
These coins had other sides
Dare to see the other side, I learnt
I did, and freedom was mine
Enlightened, I realized…
Am not a know-all, see-all and be-all
My past is not the only past and my present, not the only one
If I paused to listen and consider, I will find
There’s something beyond my sight and experience
Places I haven’t been and situations I hadn’t encountered
If I took the time to be patient, I will discover
Those lives I haven’t lived and moments still unmet
It took me a while, in a long and hard way
But I can tell you from this walk
There are indeed, 2 sides to every coin, even my own

Thursday, March 8, 2018

There can be no Women's Empowerment without the Sisterhood #IWD2018

C. Joybell C., a leading female thinker and award-winning writer, said “The only thing that makes our gender weaker, is the fact that we are the gender less likely to stand up for the other. We are the gender more likely to try and make another look bad, and when one of us is already bad, instead of being kind, we pound them into the ditches. And that's what makes us weak, nothing else. If we can change this, we can change the whole structure of our being female, I truly believe this. Personally, I grew up admiring other women and wanting to be friends with them, but unfortunately, I learned the hard way that they were the ones who would hurt me. Women hurt other women all too often, and that's a fact.” Do these words sound familiar to you?
Today is International Women’s Day. A day set aside to celebrate and encourage women. On this day different organizations will join the “me too” bandwagon, in their bid to be politically correct. Today multinationals, non-profits, governments, political juggernauts and doyens of industry will roll out a gamut of advertisements, speeches, events and social media to endorse women’s empowerment and commemorate March 8. But after all these activities what comes next? Do women really become stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights, because of these activities?
From the experiences shared by women like C. Joy C and many others, the empowerment of women is more than the activism on podiums and parks promoted in the media. True empowerment of women comes from the bonds of genuine sisterhood. When women rise to support other women, beginning from within their communities, all women are strengthened – both the supporter, the supported and the community at large. Without a sisterhood that builds the broken, supports the weak and unites the divided, women empowerment may very well be all bluff and bluster.
This is not the social media support to a woman far away whom you may never meet or the advocacy against a perceived or anticipated wrong. Activism is good but let us start by healing and helping fellow women near us. Begin with women at work, your neighbour, your clients, the little girl in your class. Do it not because it makes you look good but because there is strength in unity. How can you claim to support those you don’t know when those who know you are languishing? The sisterhood is around first, before abroad.
In our bid for this empowerment, we hear it said directly or implied that men hold us down but for many the worst pain has come more often from fellow women than men. From female supervisors who are insensitive to the working conditions of pregnant staff, to female helping professionals stigmatizing their female clients. What about that fear that makes struggling women keep their challenges to the point of death rather than expose themselves to the ridicule and stigma from sisters who use their tongues as weapons of mass destruction? Nobody really wants to be branded with their challenge. From Church to the secular world, from mosque to school, we see women who amplify the limitations of their kind instead of supporting them through it.
For women to be truly empowered, the sisterhood needs to be all-encompassing, welcoming and accommodating. Some may disagree and say that there is a sisterhood of women that is all these and more, because they have a sisterhood of friends or faith partners. However, the sisterhood that will remove the barriers to the empowerment of women cannot afford to be that narrow. Genuine sisterhood will have to be one that embraces and supports everyone that needs it regardless of age, colour, status or creed. As Barbara W. Winder, the 11th general president of the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints says, “We can have unity in diversity and diversity in unity. We don't have to be like one another to enjoy sisterhood.”    
On this International Women’s Day, let us remember that men are in many cases not the enemy. For many women in our world today, the enemy is another woman, whether a colleague at work, a church or mosque member, a mother-in-law or even a “friend”. As we give those speeches and write those posts, today, let us remember that the sisterhood needs to be strong to truly empower the sisters. We women need to start reaching out of our comfort circles to the different whether in opinion, position, status, or any other, because as Robin Benway puts it, “there’s one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood”.