Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I met a woman who stirred up my mind. She shook me up with her questions and turned me upside down with one. That one question was ‘Do you like money?’
When she asked that question, I got thinking and eureka! I made some profound discoveries.
 I said I liked money but the truth was that I did not really, because I was scared of the responsibilities that came with it.
 My fear of money blocked my thinking and so I could not recognize and use money making opportunities
 Whether I liked, feared or hated money, I NEEDED money.
To get money, I needed to want it bad enough.
The next question was now ‘How badly do you want it?’
If I really wanted it bad enough, I could do menial jobs to get it; I would do whatever LEGAL thing it takes to get it.
When I began to think like this, it was like my mind opened. I began to have creative ideas on how to make money, I began to recognize opportunities and I was less afraid of taking risks.
And you know what; so many people are in the same situation.
Money is a tool and we need it to get ahead. Not having it now does not make you less than others but not making an effort to get it keeps you down.
The Holy Book says that ‘a poor man’s wisdom is despised’. How do you show that you are wise when you cannot meet your needs and those of your loved ones?
Make an effort and God will help. The Holy Book says ‘though your beginning may be small, your end will be greatly increased’, He also says that He is the one who gives you power to make wealth.
Ask and you will receive. But the question of how badly you want it will always come up to you because The Holy Book says ‘the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much’.
Look at the word ‘fervent’, it speaks of seriousness, passion and persistence.
This is not something to be done lackadaisically, slothfulness will not get you there, it is PASSION, ENTHUSIASM, ETC.
Ask yourself ‘How badly do I want it?’ Do you want it so badly, you do not mind your friends laughing at you? Is it so bad, you no longer want to depend on freebies? Are you willing to get off beggars boulevard and debtors driveway?
It’s all in your hands.
Now I ask you ‘How badly do you want it?’

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