2015 comes to an end.
For some it was a year of resounding victories. For others
it was the worst year of their lives. For another group, it was comme si comme
ca, neither here no there.
For me, it was a year of lessons. Life building and life
changing lessons, Lessons I hope to work with in 2016.
In 2015, life was a kaleidoscope of colours, some bright and some dull.
Among the bright, there was the dazzle and there was the glitter. Among the
dull, were the sombre and the drab.
Bright was the joy of a love rekindled, dull was the reality of
Dazzling were the friendships that looked like lifesavers, sombre was
the sound of gossip and judgement from the same source.
In the glitter of church, I found the drabness of humanity’s weakness
I can say now that I know better, because I survived 2015.
I came through 2015 so that I can enter 2016 with these
- You must love yourself first and show it, before you expect others to love you. Show your love for yourself in your habits, conversations and lifestyle.
- Guard your heart with all diligence because that is the root of your life’s source. Watch what you read, listen to and think about.
- Go where you are celebrated and not where you are tolerated.
- Spend more time doing good and less time talking about those that are not doing good.
- Be a builder of lives not a destroyer. Don’t delight in pulling people down, humiliating them and making them feel bad about themselves. Cheer the weak on to strength, cheer the discouraged on with encouragement. Be a lifter and not a downer.
- Forgiveness is a choice you must make if you want to truly live free. Let everyone that has hurt you go, in your mind, thoughts and actions.
- Try to laugh even when life isn’t funny. Make it a priority to create an environment of happiness in and around yourself. Appreciate little happenings in your life, like getting the only parking spot left in that lot, receiving that compliment, . . . Let your gratitude be more than your complaints, everyday.
- Invest less time on Facebook and more time on your LIFEbook.
- There is no better time to do the things you love than NOW. So, get going and write that line, sing that song, learn that new skill, cook that meal, do that thing you’ve always said you will do. Enjoy living. Take a walk and enjoy the flowers, go to the museum, savour the art in the Art Gallery, go to the cinema and watch a movie.
- The Government is not an individual but the sum total of each of us. So, instead of badmouthing those in authority, get involved in your community and affect the lives of everyone that interacts with you positively.
- There is no knight in shining armour anywhere that will ride in on a steed to change your life’s situation, you have to help yourself. To do this you must begin with being true to yourself about your failures/mistakes, then set goals for where you’d like to be at the end of 2016 and work towards them one day at a time.
- Take your own advice. Walk your talk.
On that note, I sign off to do number 12 and get ready for a
great 2016.
Have a very happy and fulfilling year 2016!