Monday, July 20, 2015

When the Jacket no longer Fits

This jacket has been outgrown by my 2nd daughter and I have no other daughter after her, so it can no longer remain in the family.
It comes from a time when Miley Cyrus was still Hannah Montana, the sweet role model for little girls, and it has served us very well. 
My sister bought it for my 1st born 9 years ago. After she wore it for 3 years, I loved it so much that I kept it for her baby sister to inherit when she was big enough.
I loved this jacket so much, I brought it from 1 continent through 2 others till we landed on the 4th continent where my younger daughter has enjoyed wearing it for the last 3 years. It has been well worn and has still got some life left in it. J
As I folded it in readiness for donating to Charity last night, I looked at it and wished I could still keep it. In fact, I didn’t let my daughter see it because she doesn’t want to give it up even though she can barely fit into it.
In life, there are relationships that are like this jacket. We love them so much and when they fit, they made us look fabulous. Even now, they still look fabulous but they no longer fit us. It is a bittersweet parting, bitter goodbyes with sweet memories.
We need to know when we’ve outgrown a relationship, when being in it no longer fits us. We need to know when to walk away from things we love but are no longer working.
 As much as you love your boss and your colleagues, that job is no longer challenging enough. You’ve shared so many memorable moments and events together but, that 'friend' is no longer your friend. You've made so many friends there, but that Church is no longer meeting your spiritual needs. Your neighbours are so nice and friendly but that house is no longer big enough for your growing family.
Sometimes, we have to make these hard decisions and let go of those people, places, things or organizations that we’ve grown so attached to.
As much as we would like to hold unto them, they no longer meet our needs and if we continue to hold unto them, we will end up tearing them to shreds.
We must learn to let go when the jacket no longer fits.

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