“I have
been trying to be accepted, but God wants me to be myself.” I spoke them aloud out
of a deep reverie this morning. These words were the conclusion of my thoughts
on the use of my skills and talents, and my community relationships. I’ve
learnt the hard way that that being yourself is better than being who people
want to be. Those that won’t like you for being yourself will never like you
for being what they want you to be.
As I mulled
over these words, a close confidant that heard me spoke up and these were his
words. “If people don’t like God who created them, why do you expect to be liked
by everyone? God did many great miracles in the Bible and He still does great
ones today yet there are many who are anti-God and hate Him. He saved His
people from their enemies, parted the sea to make a way for them and even
sacrificed His only son to save everyone, yet not everyone likes Him. If all
people don’t like God, despite His goodness and power, then don’t expect
everyone to like you. He is a scientific God that operates on principles. You
cannot say because you love Him you will climb to the top of the CN Tower and
jump down. He will not stop your death. There are people who hate Him and even
get paid to malign His person and reputation but He doesn’t go after them for it.
He still loves them but they reject His love and show Him how much they hate
Him as often as they find the opportunity. He is impartial and consistent without
double standards and in spite of it, not everyone likes Him.”
If you’ve
been trying to fit into a certain mold, either of your own making to please
people or of people’s making and it goes against your grain, diminishes your
confidence in yourself and abilities or makes you feel less than yourself, it
is time for you to stop. Stop trying to fit into a mold that is not you. As
long as you think right, speak right and do right, please be yourself. Live
your life on your own terms not on people’s terms. Do your best with what you
have. Reach within yourself and find that voice that is authentically yours and
then, use it. Use it to regain yourself for yourself not for anyone else.
Everybody cannot like you but you must like…,
no, you must love yourself!
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