Did someone tell you that you don’t qualify in recent times? Did they treat you like you do not count a while ago? Do you feel like other people’s lives are better than yours? Is your bank account unable to pay your bills? Do you feel you’re too short, fat, etc? Do you feel that you do not have what it takes? Is your life not reflecting your desires? Do you feel helpless? Do you feel overwhelmed?
Let me share this excerpt with you. Tell me what you think when you’re through.
“In horse racing, the “blood stock agent” focuses his attention on the animal’s bloodline. He or she will spend months studying a particular line of horses, researching the lineage. The blood stock agent will examine how the horse’s father fared as a racer, how long his stride was, how fast he could run, what size he was, and on and on. The breeders understand that winners don’t randomly happen. Winning is in the blood.
Simply to breed one of these world champion thoroughbreds can cost up to half a million dollars. And there’s no guarantee that the colt will win. In fact, when that newborn colt is born, his legs are all wobbly, he can barely stand up, and his eyes are glazed.
The uninformed observer might say, “Those poor owners wasted their money. That horse couldn’t win anything. He looks like an average, ordinary horse.”
But the owners know that on the inside, in his blood, that colt has a legacy of championship genes. In fact, he may have a dozen world champions on the inside. It’s all in the blood. That’s why the owners are not necessarily concerned about the colt’s initial weakness. They don’t really care what color he is, how pretty he is, or even how large he is. They know that deep down on the inside, that colt has the blood of a winner.
Friend, that is how God looks at you and me. Our external appearance is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what your ethnic background is. It doesn’t matter how many weaknesses or flaws you have. You have the DNA of Almighty God.
You come from a long line of champions.
Consider this: Your Heavenly Father spoke the galaxies into existence. Your elder brother defeated the enemy. Think about some of your natural ancestors:
Moses parted the Red Sea. There’s great faith in your bloodline.

David, a shepherd boy, defeated Goliath with only a few pebbles he picked from a brook. That is courage in your bloodline.

Samson toppled a building. There’s supernatural strength in your bloodline.

Daniel spent an entire night in a lion’s den and wasn’t harmed. Divine protection flows through your bloodline.

Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem when all the odds were against him. Determination and persistence pulsate through your bloodline.

Queen Esther put her life on the line to save God’s people. Sacrifice and heroism are in your bloodline.

Do you understand? You come from a bloodline of champions. You are not ordinary; you are a thoroughbred. It doesn’t matter what your present condition looks like; you need to know that inside you flows the blood of a winner. On the inside of you are seeds of greatness. Take a better look at your bloodline. On the inside of you is champion after champion.

You are the seed of Almighty God.
That’s why you must quit focusing on your weaknesses and get a bigger vision for your life. Understand that God sees you already at the Winner’s Circle. He’s already seen them putting the roses around your neck. That’s what David was talking about when he said, “God, all of my days you ordained before one of them came to be.” In other words, you may be a mere thirty, forty, or fifty years of age, but God has been working on you for a long time. He had you planned long before you were born. You are extremely valuable; you are not ordinary; you come from great stock. You’ve been destined to live in victory, destined to overcome, destined to leave your mark on this generation.”
Excerpt from ‘The Power of Your Bloodline’ in PART ONE of the book ‘Become a Better You’ by JOEL OSTEEN
Let me share this excerpt with you. Tell me what you think when you’re through.
“In horse racing, the “blood stock agent” focuses his attention on the animal’s bloodline. He or she will spend months studying a particular line of horses, researching the lineage. The blood stock agent will examine how the horse’s father fared as a racer, how long his stride was, how fast he could run, what size he was, and on and on. The breeders understand that winners don’t randomly happen. Winning is in the blood.
Simply to breed one of these world champion thoroughbreds can cost up to half a million dollars. And there’s no guarantee that the colt will win. In fact, when that newborn colt is born, his legs are all wobbly, he can barely stand up, and his eyes are glazed.

The uninformed observer might say, “Those poor owners wasted their money. That horse couldn’t win anything. He looks like an average, ordinary horse.”
But the owners know that on the inside, in his blood, that colt has a legacy of championship genes. In fact, he may have a dozen world champions on the inside. It’s all in the blood. That’s why the owners are not necessarily concerned about the colt’s initial weakness. They don’t really care what color he is, how pretty he is, or even how large he is. They know that deep down on the inside, that colt has the blood of a winner.
Friend, that is how God looks at you and me. Our external appearance is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter what color your skin is or what your ethnic background is. It doesn’t matter how many weaknesses or flaws you have. You have the DNA of Almighty God.

You come from a long line of champions.
Consider this: Your Heavenly Father spoke the galaxies into existence. Your elder brother defeated the enemy. Think about some of your natural ancestors:
Moses parted the Red Sea. There’s great faith in your bloodline.

David, a shepherd boy, defeated Goliath with only a few pebbles he picked from a brook. That is courage in your bloodline.

Samson toppled a building. There’s supernatural strength in your bloodline.

Daniel spent an entire night in a lion’s den and wasn’t harmed. Divine protection flows through your bloodline.

Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem when all the odds were against him. Determination and persistence pulsate through your bloodline.

Queen Esther put her life on the line to save God’s people. Sacrifice and heroism are in your bloodline.

Do you understand? You come from a bloodline of champions. You are not ordinary; you are a thoroughbred. It doesn’t matter what your present condition looks like; you need to know that inside you flows the blood of a winner. On the inside of you are seeds of greatness. Take a better look at your bloodline. On the inside of you is champion after champion.

You are the seed of Almighty God.
That’s why you must quit focusing on your weaknesses and get a bigger vision for your life. Understand that God sees you already at the Winner’s Circle. He’s already seen them putting the roses around your neck. That’s what David was talking about when he said, “God, all of my days you ordained before one of them came to be.” In other words, you may be a mere thirty, forty, or fifty years of age, but God has been working on you for a long time. He had you planned long before you were born. You are extremely valuable; you are not ordinary; you come from great stock. You’ve been destined to live in victory, destined to overcome, destined to leave your mark on this generation.”
Excerpt from ‘The Power of Your Bloodline’ in PART ONE of the book ‘Become a Better You’ by JOEL OSTEEN

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