Me: How long, o God, will I wait for your intervention? I have obeyed your word to the best of my ability. I have been kind and good, forgiving those who wrong(ed) me and helping those in need. I have not avenged the wickedness and cruelty I've received from others.
Lord, I have been praying for so long, and many have been praying for me, yet the issues remain. Why are you not doing anything? Why can't I see a change? I am tired of waiting, Lord, I am tired.
God: My dear child, I am here with you. I will not let any harm come to you. Though it seems I am not doing anything, I am still in control. I do not want you to depend on the best of your ability because it is not enough in a world where you are hated by the enemy for being made in my image. You need to depend on my ability to help you. This trial is for your promotion.
Do you see the pencil? It begins as a piece of wood and goes through trimming, drilling and paring. That piece of wood goes through pain to be sharpened for use. You have a divine purpose and this trial is trimming off relationships and habits that are hindering you from progressing into your purpose. Your experiences are drilling through your emotional weaknesses to replace them with the strength you need to overcome the challenges to your purpose. You are being sharpened to hone you for the fulfilment of your purpose. You are in the Master Woodworker's hands and he's paring off every piece that is not useful for your destiny. At the end, you will be sharp and pointed to focus on your purpose.
Trust me, my darling child, I have your best in mind.
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