Tuesday, February 9, 2010


There are different types of men in the world. Some are ‘just men’; some are ‘real men’.
‘Just men’ are men because they have the features of the male anatomy; they have the masculine gender while real men are men for a lot of reasons.

Characteristics of real men
Real men’ do not fight. They are neither road hogs that want to bamboozle the rest of us off the roads nor are they road demons that cuss and quarrel on their wheels.

‘Real men’ do not use dirty words like the F--k or P---y or B---h words. They speak decently and never get so carried away they need to have their mouths washed out with soap and water.

‘Real men’ do not harass or intimidate, but they are gentle in their dealings and relationships. That is why they are also referred to as ‘Gentlemen’.

‘Real men’ value the women in their lives and treat them like the queens that they are. They bring out the best in their woman and prod her wings open so she can fly into her destiny. Real men support their women to become as great as their potentials.

‘Real men’ can compromise their comfort and convenience for their loved ones but can never compromise their integrity. They SAY IT like they MEAN IT and they DO IT like they say it. Their word is their honour and their bond.

‘Real men’ are not selfish. They are considerate of others and they show it. They do not use their positions to ‘acquire’ but rather they use it to improve the situation of others.

‘Real men’ set good examples. They know the importance of laying a good foundation for their children and families and they spend quality time bonding with them to impact positive values. They are role models.

‘Real men’ are great fathers. They are not too big to get down and play with their children. They create time to know their children better. They are not too bogged down with work and other commitments to give their children attention. Their children know that they are important to Daddy.

‘Real men’ fear God. They do not act God but they put God first in all that they do. They do not become alpha and omega but they are humble enough to recognize the alpha and the omega in others.

‘Real men’ listen to others. They are not know alls, rather they seek and value the input of those around them.

‘Real men’ are the gem of men. They are not easy to come by and when you know one, count it a privilege. Treat them with all respect because they deserve it. Make sure they know they are valuable to you.

Are you a ‘Real man’ out there? Please stand up to be counted.

I doff my hat to you and express my appreciations. Thank you for being the epitome of manhood. Thank you for being a ‘Real man’!