Friday, May 13, 2022

I pray for you today, my son

I pray for you today, my beloved son

That celebrations will never cease in your life

That your milestones will not be delayed

That the lines will always fall for you in pleasant places

And that life will be easy for you

I pray for you today, my darling son

That people will go out of their way to help you

That for you, stumbling blocks will become stepping stones

That with joy and not misery, will you draw from the wells of salvation

And that life will be easy for you

I pray for you today, my precious son

That you will walk upon your high places

That you will be present on the day of your recognition

That you will be distinguished for excellence

And that life will be easy for you

I pray for you today, my adored son

That you will be a mentor to millions and a teacher to multitudes

That you will stand before kings and not before mere men

That you will be a solution provider to nations

And that life will be easy for you

I pray for you today, my cherished son

That your heritage will indeed be a good one

That you will be a blessing and never a curse

That your rising will bring lifting to many

And that life will be easy for you

In Jesus Mighty Name

All are Welcome

Leaving, staying

Happy, hurting

Online, offline

I still belong

Different, same

Familiar, peculiar

New, old

I am accepted

Speaking, silent

Quiet, loud

Vocal, reserved

I am heard

Conservative, liberal

Ordinary, radical

Outdated, modern

I can be myself

Old, young

Rich, poor

Educated, illiterate

All are welcome